

丁鑫,博士,副教授,1990年出生,山东临沂人。2009年考入兰州大学,进入物理科学与技术学院材料化学专业学习,后在兰州大学本硕博连读,于2018年6月博士毕业。2018年9月进入太阳成集团tyc33455cc生物医用材料研究院工作,特聘五层次教授。曾获太阳成集团tyc33455cc优秀教师,太阳成33455cc官网优秀学科工作者等荣誉称号。近年来主要研究领域为无机微纳米稀土发光材料在照明、显示及生物成像等方面的基础性和应用性研究。目前在Acta Mater.、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、Chem. Eng. J.、J. Mater. Chem. C、Inorg. Chem.、J. Am. Ceram. Soc.、J. Lumin.和Opt. Mater.等期刊发表学术论文30余篇。










2016/01-2017/06新型白光LEDs用氧化物基绿色、红色荧光粉的制备与发光性质研究 (中央高校基金)



国自然面上项目: 白光LED用新型无机发光材料的合成及其特性研究 (No.51372105)

国自然青年项目: 白光LED用三种典型氮掺杂铝、硅酸盐基荧光粉的制备及其发光机理研究

国际合作项目: 白光发光二极管用新型荧光材料研发项目协议 (国际合作项目 株式会社 三菱化学科学技术研究中心)

国家杰出青年科学基金项目 (No. 50925206)






[1] Xin Ding*, Qiang Zhang, Zhihua Li, Yu Min. A near infrared-II broad emission material withmulti-spectral excitation and long persistent luminescence properties. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 16022–16032.

[2] Xin Ding*, Qiang Zhang. Multi spectral responsive near infrared-II broad emission material and itsLED device and imaging research. Ceram. Int. 2021,47, 34851-34859.

[3] Xin Ding, Yuhua Wang*. Commendable Eu2+-Doped Oxide-Matrix-Based LiBa12(BO3)7F4 Red Broad Emission Phosphor Excited by NUV Light: Electronic and Crystal Structures, Luminescence Properties. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 23983-23994.

[4] Xin Ding, Yuhua Wang*. Novel orange light emitting phosphor Sr9(Li, Na, K)Mg(PO4)7: Eu2+ excited by NUV light for white LEDs. Acta Mater., 2016, 120, 281-291.

[5] Xin Ding, Ge Zhu, Wanying Geng, Masayoshi Mikami, Yuhua Wang*. Novel blue and green phosphors obtained from K2ZrSi3O9: Eu2+ compounds with different charge compensation ions for LEDs under near-UV excitation. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 6676-6685.

[6] Xin Ding, Qian Wang, Yuhua Wang*. Rare-earth-free red-emitting K2Ge4O9: Mn4+ phosphor excited by blue light for warm white LEDs. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2016, 18, 8088-8097.

[7] Xin Ding, Ge Zhu, Wanying Geng, Qian Wang, Yuhua Wang*. Rare-Earth-Free High-Efficiency Narrow-Band Red-Emitting Mg3Ga2GeO8: Mn4+ Phosphor Excited by Near-UV Light for White Light-Emitting Diodes. Inorg. Chem., 2015, 55, 154-162.

[8] Xin Ding*, Zhihua Li, Yurong Shi, Hongtao Cao. Luminescence properties of Ca2Sn2Al2O9: Mn as a long afterglow and field-emission displays material with high yellow color purity. J. Alloys Compd., 2020, 824, 153931-153941.

[9] Xin Ding*, Zhihua Li, Deyang Xia. New Whitlockite-type Structure Material Sr9Y(PO4)7 and its Eu2+ doped Green Emission properties under NUV light. J. Lumin., 2020, 221, 117114-117122.

[10] Xin Ding*, Yuanyuan Mu. The structure and photoluminescence properties of a novel yellow-green emission phosphor Ba3Sc2B4O12: Ce3+ excited by NUV light. J. Lumin., 2021, 232, 117868-117876.

[11] Xin Ding*, Hongtao Cao, Yuanyuan Mu, Ge Zhu, Deyang Xia. The structure and photoluminescence properties of a novel orange emission phosphor Ba3Sc1.9Al0.1B4O12: Eu2+ excited by NUV light. Opt. Mater., 2019, 92, 195-205.

[12] Xin Ding, Yuhua Wang*. The structure and photoluminescence properties of a novel apatite green phosphor Ba5(PO4)2SiO4: Eu2+ excited by NUV light. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 2449-2458. 

[13] Xin Ding, Ge Zhu, Wanying Geng, Qian Wang, Yuhua Wang*. Highly efficient cyan-emitting garnet Ca3Hf2SiAl2O12: xCe3+ phosphor for solid state white lighting. CrystEngComm, 2015, 17, 3235-3242.

[14] Xin Ding, Yuhua Wang*. Structure and photoluminescence properties of rare-earth free narrow-band red-emitting Mg6ZnGeGa2O12: Mn4+ phosphor excited by NUV light. Opt. Mater., 2017, 64, 445-452.

[15] Xin Ding, Ge Zhu, Qian Wang and Yuhua Wang*. Rare-earth free narrow-band green-emitting KAlSi2O6: Mn2+ phosphor excited by blue light for LED-phosphor material. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 30001-30004.

[16] Xin Ding, Wanying Geng, Qian Wang and Yuhua Wang*. Structure, luminescence property and abnormal energy transfer behavior of color-adjustable Ca3Hf2SiAl2O12: Ce3+, Mn2+ phosphors. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 98709-98716.

[17] Xin Ding, Yurong Shi, Ge Zhu, Yuhua Wang*. Novel synthesis method of YAG: Ce3+ micron-sized powders and its luminescence properties. Mater. Chem. Phys., 2014, 147, 351-355.

[18] Xin Ding, Ge Zhu, Yurong Shi, Yuhua Wang*. Synthesis and luminescent properties of a white light phosphor KBa2Nb5O15: Na+, Dy3+ for light-emitting-devices. Mater. Res. Bull., 2013, 48, 3648-3650.

[19] Qun Chen1, Xin Ding1, Bing Yu, Youqing Shen, Hailin Cong. Preparation and properties of porous P(St-MMA-AA) microsphere anti-glare film. Prog. Org. Coat., 2019, 137, 105287-105293.

[20] Zhihua Li1, Xin Ding1, Hailin Cong, Song Wang, Bing Yu*, Youqing Shen, Recent advances on inorganic lanthanide-doped NIR-II fluorescence nanoprobes for bioapplication. J. Lumin., 2020, 228, 117627-117655.

[21] Zhihua Li, Xin Ding1, Bing Yu, Yu Min, et al. A novel M2Ga2GeO7:N3+ (M=Ca, Ba, Sr; N=Cr, Nd, Er) sub-micron phosphor with multiband NIR emissions: preparation, structure, properties, and LEDs. Nanotechnol. 32 (2021) 395703

[22] Ge Zhu, Yuhua Wang*, Qian Wang, Xin Ding, Wanying Geng, Yurong Shi. A novel white emitting phosphor of Dy3+ doped Ca19Mg2(PO4)14 for light-emitting diodes. J. Lumin., 2014, 154, 246-250.

[23] Yuhua Wang*, Ge Zhu, Shuangyu Xin, Qian Wang, Yanyan Li, Quansheng Wu, Chuang Wang, Xicheng Wang, Xin Ding, Wanying Geng. Recent development in rare earth doped phosphors for white light emitting diodes. J. Rare Earths, 2015, 33, 1-12.

[24] Yaxin Cao, Xin Ding, Yuhua Wang*. A Single-Phase Phosphor NaLa9(GeO4)6O2: Tm3+, Dy3+ for Near Ultraviolet-White LED and Field-Emission Display. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2016, 99, 3696-3704.

[25] Yaxin Cao, Jianyan Ding, Xin Ding, Xicheng Wang and Yuhua Wang*. Tunable white light of multi-cation-site Na2BaCa(PO4)2: Eu, Mn phosphor: synthesis, structure and PL/CL properties. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2017, 5, 1184-1194.

[26] Qiang Zhang, Qian Wang, Xicheng Wang, Xin Ding, Yuhua Wang*. Luminescence properties of Eu2+-doped BaSi2O5 as an efficient green phosphor for light-emitting devices and wide color gamut field emission displays. New J. Chem., 2016, 40, 8549-8555.

[27] Qiang Zhang, Xicheng Wang, Xin Ding, Yuhua Wang*. A Potential Red-Emitting Phosphor BaZrGe3O9:Eu3+ for WLED and FED Applications: Synthesis, Structure, and Luminescence Properties. Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 6990-6998.

[28] Hang Chen, Jianyan Ding, Xin Ding, Xicheng Wang, Yaxin Cao, Zhengyan Zhao, Yuhua Wang*. Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Luminescence Properties of Tunable Red-Emitting Nitride Solid Solutions (Ca1–xSrx)16Si17N34: Eu2+ for White LEDs. Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 6990-6998.

[29] Yichao Wang, Jianyan Ding, Yanyan Li, Xin Ding, Yuhua Wang*. Preparation, crystal structure and photoluminescence properties of Ce3+ activated Ba3Y1-yLuyAl2O7.5 phosphors for near-UV LEDs. Chem. Eng. J., 2017, 315, 382-391.

[30] Haijie Guo, Wenbo Chen, Wei Zeng, Gen Li, Yuhua Wang*, Yanyan Li,, Yang Li, Xin Ding. Structure and luminescence properties of a novel yellow super long-lasting phosphate phosphor Ca6BaP4O17:Eu2+, Ho3+. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2015, 3, 5844-5850.